

​Attend the League's Spring Meetings for 保险 Information, Member Services Updates






Attend ​the League's Spring Meetings for 保险 Information, Member Services Updates

今年三月,我们共举办了八次午餐会,你可以参加其中的一次,了解我们会员可以选择的不同保险范围. 我们将概述我们的池, 费率预测和信息,以确保市政官员和工作人员从他们的365足彩下载成员中获得最大的收益. We'll also discuss more about the League's services and our newest preferred partners!

报名现已开放. 注册了解更多信息:

  • 保险 renewal information and rate information from the League's Health Benefits Trust, 工人赔偿信托基金, 财产及意外事故信托基金
  • 来自我们保险池的独家风险控制培训和计划,帮助您节省城市或城镇的资金并保护您的资源
  • 优先合作伙伴的福利和服务
  • 365足彩下载外勤人员更新
  • 和更多的!

这次会议非常适合, 人力资源主管, 财务人员, 风险经理, 城市经理, Town Clerks and other municipal employees – we hope to see you there during our Spring Tour!

使用此链接 找到离你最近的会议并注册. 


In 2017, 北卡罗来纳市政365足彩下载与HCA资产管理有限责任公司签订合同,为我们的泳池成员免费完成财产评估, 作为这个五年计划的一部分,北卡罗来纳州东部的许多人已经参与了评估过程,帮助确定他们投保的建筑物或建筑物的保险重置成本.

到目前为止, the property appraisals have discovered many uninsured or underinsured properties; the pool's property exposures have increased from $7.2B(2017-2018)至8美元.3B(2018-2019),大致是14.泳池资产增加了8%. HCA已经确定了在更新时可能被忽视的结构或建筑物,并且没有添加到财产清单中, structures or buildings that are no longer in operation or no longer exist, 低估升降机/泵站或水塔, 财产清单上的一些空置建筑需要进一步承保以确定结构的可保性.

NCLM will continue to provide this service to our members as HCA moves toward the western part of the state. 每年的评估周期, 365足彩下载的承销商将向每个将在当年接受评估的成员发出一封信,并附上一份符合评估标准的建筑物或建筑物的当前清单. 然后, HCA评估团队成员将联系财产和意外伤害保险集团成员,安排他们在您所在地进行评估检查的具体时间和日期.

感谢您对这个项目的合作. 365足彩下载的工作人员可以帮助我们的会员解决任何有关财产评估的问题, 保险计划, 覆盖问题, 或任何其他风险管理需求.


Surprising Warning Signs That You May Have Heart Problems:

  • Vomiting or Stomach pain:  If a patient experiences intense stomach pains, 他们开始感到恶心或开始呕吐, this could be an early warning sign of an impending heart attack.   Statistics indicate that women are more likely to experience vomiting, indigestion and stomach pain as precursors to a heart attack, 然而, 男性也会有这些症状. 
  • 疲惫:如果一个人突然发现自己在做日常工作时感到筋疲力尽, 比如取邮件, 在街上和他们的狗散步, 或者从车道上取回文件, 那么他们应该马上去看医生. 
  • Jaw Pain That Has Travelled:  If a patient has ever experienced jaw pain, they might have felt it when they had a very bad cold or a sinus infection.  这本身并不是心脏问题的征兆.  然而, jaw pain can indicate the presence of heart problems and a heart attack.  具体地说, a patient will want to pay attention to how the jaw pain travels.  如果患者感觉到胸部疼痛或紧绷, and the pain travels up to the jaw and its surrounding area, they should seek emergency medical attention immediately, as this is a common sign of the patient experiencing a heart attack. 
  • Snoring:  Do you or your partner snore, and if so, is it loud?  It is fairly common for individuals to snore when they sleep, 但是有一定程度的打鼾可能会引起人们的关注,这可能表明病人可能有心脏问题.  例如, if an individual is snoring incredibly loudly and sounds like they are gasping for air, then they could have a condition known as sleep apnea.  This condition puts an extreme amount of pressure on the heart, and to rule out any other possible heart issues they should be tested. 
  • 持续咳嗽:在很多情况下, a persistent cough that a patient can not get rid of is a sign of the common cold.  然而, it also can be a sign of heart failure if the patient is coughing up white or pink blood-tinged mucus, 因为血液进入了肺部.  具体地说, chronic coughing or wheezing is due to fluid congestion, 或者是肺部积液, 这是心力衰竭的常见征兆, hence why doctors refer to it as congestive heart failure (CHF). 

遗传学, 环境因素, 和生活方式的选择都在决定一个人是否会患上心脏相关疾病方面发挥着重要作用.  Although a person cannot change their genetic disposition for heart-related problems, 比如心脏病或先天性心脏缺陷, 他们可以尽其所能选择健康的生活方式,从而达到最佳的健康状态.  个人可以养成一些生活习惯,以提高他们不患某些类型心脏病的机会,包括戒烟和控制和管理其他健康问题,如高血压, 高胆固醇, 和糖尿病.  Exercising for a minimum of thirty minutes a day at least five days a week, 吃低盐和低饱和脂肪的食物, 保持健康的体重, 养成良好的卫生习惯, and reducing and managing stress are also incredibly helpful for reducing a person's risk. 


Who would have thought that trolls exist in today's world, but they do! 版权喷子正在寻找侵犯版权的行为,当他们发现自己的产品受到侵犯时,他们会迅速要求赔偿.

Consumers, including municipalities, can be drawn into these claims very innocently. 例如, a municipality may want to publish a booklet or brochure and need some artwork for the cover. The first place we often look is the internet and frequently find a picture that is perfect. 照片被下载并放在出版物上,市政当局自豪地分发其365体育足彩册.

然后巨魔进来了. There are those whose primary job is to search for unapproved use of a copyrighted document, 包括图片. 一旦发现, 向市政当局提出要求,解决索赔往往比辩护更经济可行.

在网上搜索图片时, 要小心,坚持使用那些提供免版税图片的网站,或者调整你的搜索结果,包括免费使用的图片,甚至是商业图片, for example Google Images allows you to filter for search results using its advanced search settings.


在日常生活中, the law enforcement profession is ripe with challenges and risk unlike any other job or career field. 日常的公民接触可以在几秒钟内迅速从常规的口头接触转变为使用武力的情况. The public might be very aware of some of these related risks to the officers involved, but most are probably unaware of individuals who refer to themselves as, 第一修正案审计员,“以及它们带来的责任威胁.

其中一些审计员访问当地警察局,制造局面,促使警方作出反应,希望冲突升级. 其中一些策略包括在警察进出警察停车场时公开录像,以及在公共场所进行的其他日常警察活动.

Here's a common scenario: an officer encounters an individual videoing their patrol car, 建筑入口, 只是行为可疑. The diligent officer then attempts to speak to the person, ask for identification and inquire into the purpose of the activity. These reasonable steps are typically met with an abnormal citizen response such as silence, 不敬的言语, 和/或缺乏任何合作或解释, which may lead the officer to place the person into an investigative detention. 这个过程包括没收手机, 或者更糟, placing the person under arrest for resist-obstruct- and delay. What usually follows is the search of the person incident-to-arrest. 对于这些审计员来说,随身携带第二台隐藏摄像头是很常见的,以防手机或摄像头被查封. The end result may result in claims filed against the officer, 机构领导, 和市政当局涉嫌侵犯宪法第一和第四修正案.

North Carolina has had several similarly documented encounters. 最近, 一个被认为是审计员的对象在访问我们当地的一个警察机构时,把它带到了另一个层次. 拍摄对象带着明显的手枪,拍摄了进出该机构停车场的警车. 根据365足彩下载提供的培训项目,相关官员立即理解了这个人的意图, “Dangerous Crossroads Ahead-The Intersection of the First and Fourth Amendments."

警官们接受了适当的训练,为这次遭遇战做了充分的准备,几名警官和主管以非常专业的态度对待了这个问题,并热情地欢迎了他们. The subject left shortly afterwards with video that would be of little interest to the general public.

365足彩下载在处理这些以及其他第一和第四修正案挑战方面提供的培训是由斯科特·麦克拉奇律师教授的四小时强化课程. 在这个及时的课堂上, 对这些类型的事件进行审查并确定最佳实践, constitutionally driven considerations are discussed with our officers. The expected results are for our officers to be better equipped with sound judgement and decision making, which leads to lower claims and potential for lawsuits.

我们的下一个“前方危险的十字路口——第一和第四修正案的交汇处”课程将于3月21日与贝尔蒙特警察局合作举行, 2019. For more information, contact Tom Anderson, Director of Risk Control, at tanderson@zzphomme.net.